Begin by opening the item from the spreadsheet cell.
If the price has changed, correct it on the sheet. Make sure the item is not marked as “Out of Stock”.
Check if there’s free shipping. If not, add the mentioned shipping fees to the cost price.
Yes, ensure that the item pictures don’t contain any brand logos.
Copy the “Sell Now” link below the item and paste it into the Chrome browser of your selling account using Remote Desktop.
Download the item pictures and upload them to the listing.
Ensure there’s no brand name in the title. If it’s there, remove it.
Open the “Brand” option and write “Unbranded.” Remove any existing brand.
Delete any mention of warranty or guarantee in the item specs.
Select “New” for the Item Condition.
Copy the title and paste it in “18” font size and bold. Remove the brand name if it’s present.
Paste compatible models in the description box. Note that only the first 5 pages will be uploaded.
Read it and upload it in the description box. Ensure the brand name and warranty are not mentioned. Use “14” font size, and only make the headers bold.
The selling price should always end with $.99 after the dollar value. For example, if the item’s selling price is $12.50, list it at $12.99 with a quantity of 1.
Double-check the entire listing for any mistakes. If you find errors, correct them. At the bottom, look for the “List Item” option. If listing fees are not displayed, proceed to list the item.